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Apply for Federal Student Aid

You can use the Federal Student Aid Estimator which will provide you an estimate of how much federal student aid the student may be eligible to receive. These estimates are based on the Student Aid Index (SAI), an index to determine federal student aid eligibility. With this tool, students can find out how much federal student aid they may be eligible for starting with the 2024–25 award year—note that this tool estimates the Student Aid Index (SAI) for 2024–25 award year, not the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) for 2023–24 award year.

Types of Federal Student Aid

Grants (Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), 佩尔助学金), Federal Work-Study, Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans.

For specifics on each type of federal funding available, you can visit: http://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types

Start by Submitting Your FAFSA

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) allows students to request federal grants, 勤工助学, 和贷款, all in one application.

When Should I Apply?

The FAFSA application opens October 1 each year.

You can submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at studentaid.政府 throughout the year, starting October 1 for the upcoming academic year.

You must submit a new FAFSA each year to renew your federal financial aid for the next academic year.

What FAFSA do I need to Submit?

If you are planning to enroll Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Summer 2024 the 2023-2024 FAFSA 是必需的.

If you are planning to enroll Fall 2024, Spring 2025, or Summer 2025 the 2024-2025 FAFSA 是必需的.

Who Should Apply?

Everyone Should Submit a FAFSA Application.

We encourage everyone to complete the FAFSA, whatever the family’s income level. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid if your are waiving the FAFSA and do not wish to use Federal student aid, or to receive need based aid (such as scholarships or grants).

When completing your FAFSA, add Randolph College, Federal School code number 003734

Returning students will complete a new FAFSA every year they are in school and wish to receive Federal Student Aid, preferably by June 1. Returning students will not receive a Financial Aid award letter until they have submitted a FAFSA for the upcoming academic year, or have waived the FAFSA with the Office of Financial Aid. Renew your FAFSA.

What if my Parent(s) Refuse to Provide their Information on the FAFSA?

If you have a situation where your parent(s) refuse to provide their information on the FAFSA and refuses to provide you with financial support, please complete and submit the below form for the FAFSA year your parent is refusing. If your parent(s) refuse to sign and date a statement to this effect, you must get documentation from a third party, such as a teacher, 辅导员, 神职人员, 或法院.

** Please note that the Unsubsidized Loan is the ONLY federal aid available to the student under this exception.

Dates and Deadlines

  • 10月1日:  Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is available for the next academic year
  • 5月1日:  Enrollment Deposit due to accept admission and financial aid offers
  • 7月1日: Fall semester bills are sent by the Business Office
  • 12月1日: Spring semester bills are sent by the Business Office
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